000 Relationships

Someone once asked, “What was this compulsive need to be lovable?” I answered, we are human beings and so we need to be loved. It’s as simple as that. But we are not Helens of Troy, who can launch a thousand ships, nor are we Cleopatras, who can seduce men effortlessly. Instead, we are the Jane Eyres and the Eponines, who are waiting to be noticed. Here, then, is some bit of advice on how to get a guy to like you.

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The important thing here is that you do not make a fool out of yourself in your attempt to get a guy to like you. Self-conservation. That is the key. So if you decide to risk putting your heart out there and showing your emotions, be sure to leave yourself with a little bit of pride.

They say that a relationship is not composed of two perfect people. Instead, it is composed of two imperfect people who fit with each other perfectly. The ideal guy for one person isn’t the same as the ideal guy for another. Also, the ideal guy isn’t always the perfect guy for you. Besides, it has been said that “looking for perfect is a big, fat myth because perfect simply isn’t out there”.

Do not allow yourself to become a doormat. Being a doormat does not show deep devotion. Instead, it shows that you have lost yourself in the process of getting to know the man. Men usually trust women to understand them, accept them, and love them still even after they have done something very wrong. This is why they often tend to test their boundaries – going home drunk, saying hurtful things, and flirting or even sleeping with other women.

Lastly, be confident. Men like women who have positive concepts of themselves. Do not let yourself feel ashamed or embarrassed around him. Be yourself. If he’s worth it he’ll stick around for the highs and the lows.